The Belgians (cd-audio)


4 musiciens qui ont marqué de leur empreinte la scène historique du rock en Belgique se retrouvent ici pour donner leur version de 5 titres connus en naviguant avec bonheur entre le rock, le blues et le reggae.

Album au format cd-audio


4 muzikanten die hun stempel hebben gedrukt op de historische rockscene in België komen hier samen om hun versie van 5 beroemde songs te geven, waarbij ze vrolijk navigeren tussen rock, blues en reggae.

Album in cd-audioformaat


4 musicians who have left their mark on the historical rock scene in Belgium get together here to give their version of 5 classic songs, happily navigating between rock, blues and reggae.

Album in cd-audio format


Category: Tag:


The Belgians

(RB002/1001 CD-EP)

Dirk De Groef : guitar, vocals, harmonica
Alain Goutier : bass
Wim Hombergen : vocals, guitar
Roger Wollaert : drums
1. Walking the dog (Rufus Thomas)
2. Bright lights, big city (Jimmy Reed)
3. Why get up ? (Bill Carter / Ruth Elleworth)
4. It’s all over now (Bobby Womack / Shirley Womack)
5. They raided the joint (Louis Jordan / Dan Burley)
Blues / rock / reggae.
Recorded in December 2013 at EGS Studio, La Louvière (B), by Ruben
Supervision of the recording : Michel Herr.

A Red Box Trib production, released in 2014.